That last question, I asked it =P To play along, get the questions and link up
1. What is your next home improvement goal?
Next week I have professional organizers coming to help unpack and set up the dining room and living room. If we have time, I'm going to have them help with our bedroom and one of our guest rooms. We need HELP!
2. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? No religious texts (ie Bible, Quran, Torah, etc, etc)...
This is a tough question, I don't think I could pick just one book. Maybe a series, but not a book, and the series I would pick would be either
Hunger Games Trilogy or
The Twilight Saga, or
The Sisterhood Series (by Fern Michaels) (because there are 21 of them! Ha)
3. What is on top of your refrigerator?
Breakfast foods (cereal, pop tarts) and our paper towel holder
4. What are your favorite or most used phone apps?
Favorite & Most Used are basically the same - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Starbucks, Been Together, Big Day, CocoPPa
Games - Fish Out Of Water, What's the Phrase, What's the Word, Ruzzle, Diamond Dash
5. What's the one thing you hate most about your spouses job?
I love my husband's job, and I am so proud to be an Army Wife, but right now, I hate it, I hate that he works until 8pm or later every day, he leaves the house at 5:15 every morning btw, at this point with how little I see my husband he might as well be deployed or in the field for a month. I'm also sick of people not taking care of their responsibilities. Just because you are on the way out of the Army does NOT make it okay to just stop telling people what is going on, and leaving it to my husband to clean up your mess. And that my friends is all I'll say...