I realize my layout says 4th of July, but it was too darn cute, and I was having a hard time finding patriotic layouts, I really didn't look to long, but oh well...I think this one is great, and if you've noticed the siggie has changed because 2LT will become 1LT on Nov. 23rd, so I figured I'd go ahead and make the siggie resemble that, besides, the site is THE LT and the Mrs....anyways....onto what I came here to talk about...
So Thursday is Veterans Day, and the LT is suppose to have a 4 day weekend, but he'll be pulling Brigade Staff Duty, which means he'll be at the Brigade ALL day and even spend the night there...I had to take his Dress Blue pants to be hemmed today so he would have them on Thursday, we've been putting that off for a while now, but it's good we're doing it now, because we'll need them for the ball in December, and then again in January. Since Thursday is a holiday he has to wear a dress uniform, which is why I took them to get hemmed.
Someone told me Chili's is doing a free meal for soldiers on Thursday so I'm going to see if I could possibly do the order as a take out order and take him dinner, and maybe the guys he's working with...Outback is doing a free bloomin' onion Thursday. I'm hoping one of those will last more than just Thursday so we could maybe go out Friday evening.
So, Happy Veterans Day ya'll!!!