Sunday, March 31, 2013

Debuting the new design

When I moved to Hawaii I got involved with a local chapter of my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta. There was a chapter at the University of Hawaii. I met a few ladies through that.

One was Jane. Turns out she lived down the street from me and her husband was also in the Army. Jane and I got to know each other, I regret we didn't get to hang out nearly enough, I tend to be a really bad friend sometimes. But she just started a new design business. I saw some of her work, and LOVED it! Seriously, everything she has done has been AMAZING! So I asked her to make a new design for me since we moved and I needed to change the Header.

 So, if you need a new design for you blog, please consider Jane!

 She also did my twitter - and I love that too!



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Copyright The Negs Relaxin' At Fort Jackson Design Copyright Jane Whitney Designs