Thursday, August 15, 2013

Next Steps

We won't find out our official separation date until Steven gets the memo, which knowing the Army's "Hurry up and wait" mentality, could be a few weeks to a few months. Until that we're kind of in limbo. He can't start ACAP until he has that date, and he can't start applying for jobs until he fixes his resume, which he was hoping to get help with when he went through ACAP. He could write his resume now, but it would probably not help him too much since most of his marketable skills are all military related, and he isn't sure how to translate those into the civilian world. It'd kind of be a waste of his time and the other persons time right now.

So for now, he's trying to decide what he wants to do, where he'd want to do it, and how to go about doing it.

My plan, I'll wait til we have a better idea of the region we're going to, and start looking for jobs then. Until then, I'm trying to figure out what it is I want to do as well. I should also work on my resume, it's been a while since I updated mine.

So that's just our next step, for now...

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