Friday, September 30, 2011

Forever Newlywed–Love Is


So I’m going to start over the Husband Challenge in October, I figure it might go better, and it’s our 2 year anniversary on the 31st, so why not.

I’m also going to try this Forever Newlywed Friday Meme, I am hoping to do it every Friday, I mean, we all know how well I do with these things! Ha!

I’m going to copy my good friend Jane, who copied Mrs. Alana(go here to link up), who copied Erinn

Love Is…

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Skype Sessions that make you feel like you’re not almost 7500 miles away from one another

Forehead kisses at the airport waiting for him to leave again, and now leaving the airport until you see his plane taxi away

Laui’s while he’s home for 2 weeks because all you want to do is be a tourist with him and spend as much time together until he has to leave again

Our last picture together for 12 months, not including R&R of course

His combat boots with your flip flops

Goofing around at the ER because your wife is a sickly woman

Seeing how great he is with kids, and knowing that one day he’ll be a wonderful father

Writing messages in sand just for him, to show him how much I miss him and love him

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