I really wasn't going to give in to this woman, but after thinking about it, and after much thought and cursing, I've decided that things needed to be straightened out. I don't think it is right for anyone to post some one's full name on a blog, even if it is left when they leave a comment. I did not post my comment for her to devote a whole
post* to me, (quite frankly I'm surprised and curious as to why she picked on me, when several people said things along the same lines as I did. I guess since I didn't post anonymously she felt she was "entitled" to calling me out) I left it to defend the men and woman who are in the Armed Forces, most importantly, my husband, who has been dreaming of being in the Army since he was a little boy.
She posted another
post* along the same lines as yesterdays(the past few posts have been pretty much repeats of the others, just worded differently and with different examples), so my intention is to give examples, like she did, of what she said isn't all true. I think it's only fair to give you both sides of the story. I believe whole heartily that you should be well educated about things before you attack someone, or something.
A little background, on April 15 she wrote a
post* about how she didn't like taxes, and I responded, and then she proceeded to close comments, after writing some more on it, and so I probably might have been out of line, but I went to the
post* below it to leave another comment. And that is when she took it upon herself to place a link to my blogger profile, with my last name, which I had put on the blog, I have taken it off, and changed things on here, as so not to be put in that situation again. I don't think it is right to put someone else's last name on your personal blog, if it is not yours. Whether they have it as their blogger name or not. It isn't right.
The things she is putting on her blog about our military is very misguided, and I think taken way out of context. That isn't to say that some of the stuff she said isn't true, because some of it is, but I don't think it is fair to generalize. Here is my comment in response to her, because someone wanted to know what I had to say. So here it is, and I think it is very well said, and I don't think it was offensive or written to fuel this fire that has started.
I did not respond yesterday because frankly, you upset me. I didn't post the comment for you to put my name on your blog, I just felt that what I had to say would have been seen as cowardly if I had posted it anonymously. I am sorry you feel so strongly about this, but I have to tell you that not all people in the military are kids right out of high school, that isn't to say there are those who are. My husband spent 5 years in college before he joined the Army and got a degree, and plans to go for a Masters, so I think generalizing was wrong.
You also said that innocent people are being killed, it's true, however, when this first started we were very compassionate towards woman and children, and they have learned that, so now they are using that to their advantage and straping bombs to the woman and children. So they have been told to proced with caution. It is sasd that woman and children are being killed, no doubt, but if a child comes up to someone in the military and looks to have a bomb, they are going to do everything in their power to make sure nothing happens.
That video you posted was sad, but like I said above, they have been trained to proceed wtih caution, and act if they think they have a weapon, I looked at the video, you can't tell what they are carrying around, and from where the video was being recorded it looked like weapons. They were just following orders. And the fact that they were laughing and what not is wrong, but that is how some people deal with hard things.
I am not trying to cause a fight, that was NOT what I wanted in the first comments I left, but I just get very upset when my husband's character and job are being attacked.
Ok, onto what she's said, I am going to post what she said, and then post what I have to say. I am going to do my best to give you supporting documents to what I say. I hope you can follow along, and I hope it makes sense.
This is not warfare. This is a handful of young guys, losers, who could amount to nothing better after high school than to join the military for a paycheck, playing war games.
This one is one that really hit hard, seeing as my husband is a College graduate with a Bach. in Philosophy and Political Science with a minor in Spanish(that's 2 degrees and 1 minor, if you were wondering), it took him 5 years to get that degree, and he worked very hard to finish his schooling. And I am very proud of him, seeing as I am still trying to figure out what I want to get a degree in, and have been in and out of school more times than I care to admit (I am way off topic, so I'll end there, and this is not about me) There are several men and woman in the service who did join straight from high school, some did for the paycheck, like she said, however, most do it for more honorable reasons. Just go here to see the
Enlistment Standards. My husband joined after graduating from college, while in college he was in ROTC and also served in the Reserves for a time, he became an Officer, as per what this
link will depict. And my husband just informed me that pilots have to have a lot of education, so they are not high school educated losers.
As for soldiers fighting for our civil liberties, our civil liberties were guaranteed to us in the Bill of Rights, and have existed long before this war.
I'm pretty sure the
Bill of Rights allows us, as Americans, the Freedom of Speech, and I do believe there was a
war that led to the writing of the Bill of Rights, it's called the
American Revolutionary War.
I guess this is the animalistic behavior one should expect when a policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" allows "natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed" (II Peter 2:12, Jude 1:10) in the military.
Uhmm, everyone should already know that the
"Don't ask, don't tell"(DADT) is NOT about what happens over there, it is about not allowing homosexuals to be openly gay. I am not saying that this policy is right, however, the military feel it is for the safety of homosexuals. As for the verses she quotes,
2 Peter 2:12 says "But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed" - the Armed Forces does a very good job of educated their men and women, and so they aren't going into these countries randomly killing people, and again, the fact that she is using the DADT in her argument doesn't hold much to that verse. As for
Jude 1:10 "But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed." is just a different way of saying 2 Peter 2:12. So yea, DADT is not about how they fight, but about the policy for homosexuals in the Armed Forces. Which if anyone watches the news knows
Obama is trying to repeal DADT.
To be honest, I don't have the energy to dispute EVERYTHING she said, but I just picked a few things that just really were so outlandish. Like I said, this is not to fuel the fire, it is not to call people names or anything. I am just someone who thinks it is good to have all the facts. This is the one and only post I will do about this stuff, and if I were you I would leave her well enough alone. I am. And I will not be publishing negative comments, so you might as well just not try. I have too much going on to deal with any more drama, as this has taken way more time than I would have liked, and that is my fault, so no more. As this blog was first created as a way for our families to keep in touch with us. So after this post, that is what it will go back to, an informative blog for our families, since we are over 4K miles away from them.
*I am only linking to her site so you have something to reference from, not to be rude or to call attention to her, I just want ya'll to understand what happened, and see both sides. That is all