I wasn't going to react to something someone wrote, but I feel that it is something I should do. I'm not going to name names or post links to this person, if you've come from her site, please only leave positive comments, I don't post on this site for you or anyone other than our familes back home. People make mistakes, and it was probably a mistake to go to this persons site and say what I did, I don't regret what I said, because I stand firm in my position to support our troops. I think it is horrible that innocent people have been killed by the hands of our troops, and it is sad that kids have to die, but those children are being used as a weapon against us. Small children are being used as targets for us, and they have fed into our compassion for them by attempting to harm our men and woman. It is sad and sick and wrong. But this isnt' what this post is about. It is merely a video of a song that means the world to me, and speaks volumns of the things our men and woman have done through out the years to protect us. Again, I wasn't going to respond to her, and I guess in a way I am, but I'm not going to link to her, or name names, I'm sure ya'll are educated enough to figure it out, because chances are if you're on my site it's because of her.
Again, this blog is for our families who we moved far away from, to keep them informed in our life, and to let them know we are okay. It was also something I wanted to do so that if we begin to have children they would have a place to come to see our child grow and change. Since they live so far away right now. I was very upset when I read that post, and after this post I am not going to give her the satisfaction of a response. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but it saddens me when people are so misguided and ill informed.
Thank you to those who have come from her site and offered your positive comments. They mean the world to me, and I'm sure they will brighten my husband's day.
people are probably going to bitch me out for this but my husband will be deploying again in November.
Those kids and women are now getting bombs strapped to them and getting blown up from their own people... so yes they are ploys against us. They were doing it back in 2007.
Although I think it is terrible to see the kids and women die due to the circumstances (either way)... I feel it's much better to do that then letting them blow up everyone around them- troops, OTHER innocent women and OTHER innocent children.
I'm sorry you were victim to hate on the internet especially when all you said was something positive about our troops. Your post is well said and you hit everything right on! God bless your husband, my husband and our troops!!
I am proud of your husband and the sacrifices that he, and you, have made for our country. I have a brother who is going to Iraq in June, and I couldn't be prouder of him. Just remember, there are still loyal, proud Americans out here who support our brave troops.
I am one more coming from "her" blog to add my support! As a fellow Army wife, thanks for sticking up for our guys! That woman is... well... anyway, thanks! :)
people are probably going to bitch me out for this but my husband will be deploying again in November.
Those kids and women are now getting bombs strapped to them and getting blown up from their own people... so yes they are ploys against us. They were doing it back in 2007.
Although I think it is terrible to see the kids and women die due to the circumstances (either way)... I feel it's much better to do that then letting them blow up everyone around them- troops, OTHER innocent women and OTHER innocent children.
I don't think I could have said things any better!
You are a good woman, my friend:-) And many thanks to your husband and his fellow servicemen and women.
I'm sorry you were victim to hate on the internet especially when all you said was something positive about our troops. Your post is well said and you hit everything right on! God bless your husband, my husband and our troops!!
We are the home of the free because of the brave!
Although I don't completely agree with you - SHE just seems absolutely crazy.
I am proud of your husband and the sacrifices that he, and you, have made for our country. I have a brother who is going to Iraq in June, and I couldn't be prouder of him. Just remember, there are still loyal, proud Americans out here who support our brave troops.
I am one more coming from "her" blog to add my support! As a fellow Army wife, thanks for sticking up for our guys! That woman is... well... anyway, thanks! :)
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