Friday, April 2, 2010

"Thank You Thursdays"

I usually do "I 'heart' Thursdays" but this week I decided to do "Thank You Thursdays" that a new blog friend does every week :)

You can find her here, I am pretty sure clicking her button will take you to her blog, but if not then I'll post a link too -

Here is the direct link to this week's Thursday post on her site - she goes by "Captain" on her site! She is a lovely lady!

So how this works is you write Thank You's to people, places or things. They can be sincere or sarcastic!

"Thank You" to my wonderful husband for always loving me and making me feel special! I love you!

"Thank You" to my dishwasher that always makes my dishes smell like BUTT...I really do love you, NOT!

"Thank You" to my friends for making me smile when I want to cry!

"Thank You" to my new friends on BlogFrog for opening my eyes to different sides of things, and for support. I am so grateful to have met ya'll!

"Thank You" to our families for supporting us through everything! We love you!!!!!

I think that is all for now, and I realize that it is Friday in most places, but I still have a couple hours of Thursday left :)

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